Wednesday, 21 March 2012


I guess it can't all be good news. Awesome Word Search Free got a 1/2-star review today. One of the categories of words you can search for is Bible Books, and it's caused me all sorts of trouble. Here's the comment:

Title: Really?

Review Body:
Since when is there a book in the bible called, sirach?

The answer to that question (which I cannot give because there's no way to reply to comments) is since about the year 400. The Catholic Church considers it part of the bible, but apparently most Protestant churches do not. The lesson is to never include anything even vaguely religious in any of your apps, because someone will complain.

Visibility is Key

Looks like all my hard work has finally sort of paid off:

As you can see, the free version of Awesome Word Search has finally broken into the Top Free Games section. I'd be happier if it were the paid version, but it's still pretty nice.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


I've been semi-featured on App World. In the games section there's a banner for Brainteasers. Clicking it will bring up this screen:

Down in the bottom left is my very first app: Awesome Word Search. Being in this section has caused a slight increase in sales, but not a massive one. It's nice to be recognized, though.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Get to the Flag

Get to the Flag is a tilt puzzle maze game with a simple objective: Get to the Flag.

BUT, it's not always so straightforward. The maze itself is a puzzle, and you need to move pieces of it around to make your way through.

Tilting, tapping, dragging, and always racing against the clock.

With 60 levels, it's sure to keep you puzzled for a while.

There's also a free version available, if you'd like to try before you buy.