Monday, 19 November 2012

Port-a-thon Roundup

In an effort to have as many games as possible available at launch, this past weekend RIM ran what they called a Port-a-thon. For every game app ported over to the BB10 platform they gave away $100, and if you published multiple apps you could get things like a free Playbook or a BB10 Dev unit. It was an excellent idea, and I think if they scrapped their $10k guarantee and instead offered $100 for every app submission, I think they'd get a lot more developer interest.

My plan was to port a few apps over at some point just for curiosity's sake, but free money is a powerful motivator, so I wound up doing eight in two days. Awesome Sudoku, Awesome Word Search, Box Games, Completionist, MASH Deluxe, Scooter Wants Cheese, Scramble Master, and Word Scramble will all be available for BB10 when the devices launch at the end of January. Will they be as successful on the new OS as they have been on the Playbook? I can't see how they could be less successful. Perhaps RIM will send someone by to beat me up and steal my wallet, but that seems unlikely.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

October Data

For a long time, I've been looking for a way to monetize my Playbook apps. It has not been going well. Anyway, since it's November, I thought I'd share my download and sales data for the month of October.

In short:
142 sales
$0 in ad payouts

From October 1 to 31, my Playbook apps received a total of 28648 downloads, or around 924 per day. About 9000 came from Canada, 7000 from the UK, 3000 from the US, with the rest split amongst various other nations all over the world, including a single download in Brunei.

Mid-week days tended to produce about 30% more downloads than the ends of the week, with Thursday being the most popular day, averaging more than 1300.

My most popular app was GPS Data Master, and my least popular was Psychic Test.

On the sales front, I sold 140 apps and 2 in-app purchases. Purchases come in multiple currencies, so it's hard to figure things out exactly, but after fees I should net about $90. I sold at least one copy of 10 different apps. The top-seller this month was Awesome Sudoku, which moved 60 copies.

On the advertising front, the various ad networks I use on my blogs combined for around 10000 impressions, 100 clicks, and earnings of $1.88, which I will not receive because it's nowhere near the payment threshold. The ads on my Playbook apps had around 38000 impressions, 370 clicks, and earnings of $7.60, which I also will not receive. These amounts will roll over, and I should be eligible for some kind of payout in 4-5 months. Maybe.

Admittedly, the fill rates haven't been great, but based on the CTR and EPC I've been getting, to make a living on ad revenues, I would need every single Playbook owner out there to use one of my apps five times per month. And that's a bachelor apartment-style living, not champagne and caviar. Suffice it to say that I'm not second-guessing my decision to abandon development for RIM products.