Sunday, 16 December 2012

Port-a-thon 2 Roundup

Over the past two days, RIM held another Port-a-thon, this time for apps. I wasn't entirely clear on whether that included game apps, but it didn't really matter because I had no more games to port.

At any rate, Answer Ball, Awesome Strobe, Awesome Tips, GPS Data Master, and Psychic Test will be making their way to BB10 devices. I'm not sure I'll get the cash award for each of them, but because I'm insane, even though the PlayBook only comes in one screen size and resolution, I initially designed all of them to easily scale to different screen sizes, and I drew most of the graphical elements far larger than they needed to be, so it didn't take me very long to port them over.

I think I should also note that GPS Data Master will -at least initially- not be free for BB10 devices. Having a popular app is nice, but you know what's nicer? Not having to eat cat food.