Friday, 1 March 2013

BB10 Sales Data

BB10 phones have been out for around a month now, so I thought I'd present my February sales data to give some indication of what developers can expect.

Now, not all of my paid apps are available for both the BB10 and Playbook platforms, but enough of them are that I feel it's close enough to make a comparison.

So, in February about 50% of my app sales were to Canada, 25% to the UK, and 15% to the US, with the remainder distributed across other countries, mainly in Asia and Europe.

Of my total sales, 78% were for the Playbook, and 22% went to BB10 devices.

Of my BB10 sales, 85% were on devices using the Qualcomm GPU, and 15% were on devices using the Imagination GPU. 78% of sales were to Canada, 15% were to the UK, and the rest went to India and South Africa.

On a month-to-month basis, even though February has three fewer days than January, sales were up about 40%.

It's only been a month, but these numbers lead me to be cautiously optimistic about the success of the BB10 platform, and my own success selling apps for it.