Saturday, 1 June 2013

May Data

It's June, which means it's time for me to show off my fancy, new May data.

Downloads were up 55%. The total number increased at a faster rate than last month, but due to the larger number of downloads, the percentage increase was less. BB10 downloads made up 48% of the total, once again increasing their overall share by 20%. I don't expect the same kind of growth in June, but I do anticipate that BB10 will finally overtake the Playbook.

47% of my BB10 downloads went to devices running the Imagination GPU, 45% went to Qualcomm GPU devices, 2.5% went to Verizon Qualcomm devices, and 6% went to Q10 phones. Not all of my apps are available for the Q10, but I've added a couple, so I expect its share to increase a bit next month.

The top-five download locations this month were Canada at 16.5%, Indonesia at 10%, the US with 7%, Saudi Arabia with 5%, and the UK with 4%. Substantial numbers also went to the UAE, South Africa, Colombia, India, Germany, and China. Canada remains dominant, but Indonesia's much larger population may allow it to threaten for the top spot at some point.

For reasons I cannot explain, sales this month were up a whopping 94%. BB10 devices accounted for exactly 80% of sales, and the total sales to BB10 devices were up a ludicrous 157%. I expect sales to fall off significantly in June, but it was nice to get a single-month boost.

60% of sales went to phones with the Qualcomm GPU, 24% to the Imagination GPU, 6% to Verizon phones, and 10% to Q10 devices. The breakdown is very strange when compared to the download breakdown. I'd expect them to be roughly the same, but they're not even close.

Geographically, the top-five countries for BB10 sales were Canada with 35%, Indonesia and the US with 13% each, the UK at 6% and Germany at 5%. One of my apps is really only useful in Canada, so it makes sense that the purchase numbers there would be somewhat higher than other countries. I'm pleased with the growth in all of those countries, but a little disappointed that I only made a single sale to Saudi Arabia.

Surprisingly, Playbook sales remained stable. They're still far below their peak, but it may be a while longer before they finally hit zero.