Wednesday, 3 July 2013

June Data

July is here, so that means my June download and sales data is now available for your enjoyment. Enjoy it!

Downloads for June were down by about 30%, owing mainly to massive declines in Playbook downloads. As expected, BB10 overtook Playbook as the dominant source of my downloads, and BB10 downloads now make up 63% of the total. I expect that percentage to continue to increase as long as the platform survives.

There was a bit of a shake up in the devices realm this month as 41% of my BB10 downloads went to devices running the Qualcomm GPU, 39% went to Imagination GPU devices, 18% went to Q10 phones, and 2% went to Verizon Qualcomm phones. I'm not sure how things will change in the future, but even without having access to many of my apps, the Q10 tripled its market share in just one month. Also of note, the Q5 accounted for 6 of my downloads this month, despite the fact that it was only available for a couple days in June, and only in certain countries.

The top five download locations this month were Canada at 17.5%, Indonesia at 9.3%, the US at 7.6%, Saudi Arabia at 5.1%, and the UAE at 4.5%. Significant numbers also went to the UK, South Africa, Nigeria, Germany, China, and India. The UAE leapfrogged over the UK into 5th place, but otherwise the numbers were pretty much the same as last month.

Despite my pessimism, sales continued to rise in June, growing an additional 9% over May's massive increase. BB10 sales increased at a slower rate, growing only 2.5% and accordingly they only accounted for 75% of this month's total, but that's still far better than I was expecting. Perhaps the fall-off has been delayed until July.

By device, 51% of my BB10 sales went to Qualcomm phones, 26% went to Q10s, 18% went to Imagination devices, and 4% went to Verizon phones. Once again, the sales and download numbers don't match up, with Imagination phones accounting for less than half the expected sales. Additionally, proving that God is right to hate the Q10, despite going out of my way to port Word Scramble to the Q10, I sold but a single copy. Never again.

By country, Canada accounted for 37% of my BB10 sales, the US for 13%, Indonesia for 10%, Germany for 4.7% and Poland for 2.3%. The UK slipped a substantial amount in June, and I didn't get a single purchase from Saudi Arabia. If that continues into July and August, I may be forced to drop support for that location.