Tuesday, 19 May 2015

YouTube on BlackBerry PlayBook

If you're one of the 11 or so people who bought a PlayBook, then you know that Google has changed the way YouTube works, so the native app no longer functions. But, don't despair, you can load up the Android version. The most recent version I've been able to get to work is 2.5.16, which is available as a .bar right here.

There are a couple of ways to sideload it, but personally, I use the BlackBerry Graphical Aid, since I used to make apps for the PlayBook, and I already have it installed. You'll have to put your PlayBook into development mode (under security in the settings) in order to install the .bar, but other than that, the process is pretty self-explanatory. Enjoy!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Privacy Policy

My apps do not transmit any user information in any way. Certain information may be collected, but again, it's not transmitted, so it just stays on your device for use by the app.

Some older versions of apps may use the READ_PHONE_STATE permission for ad integration, but the ad networks no longer require that permission, so it doesn't do anything.

This policy may be updated from time to time.